Monthly Newsletter - December 2020

Dear CMAA Family and Friends,

Since our first two week closure back in March, I never imagined we’d still be up against the ropes in our fight against this virus.  However, I am proud to say we are still fighting strong.  I am incredibly grateful and inspired by you all.  You have demonstrated determination, and resilience.  We will continue to be smart, and fight to stay moving forward our martial arts path.  I am proud that CMAA can be a positive element in everyone’s life right now.  Let’s keep it up- work hard, stay safe and keep moving forward!   Check out this month’s newsletter and get information on all the details and more!


Read more below and get all the information on the following:
CMAA School Closings
New Student Portal!
CMAA 学生 App
Great Holiday Gift Ideas - CMAA Fashion and Private Lessons!
CMAA Dec Schedule
CMAA on Instagram
Wushu Strikers
Yang Style Tai Chi Short Documentary

Get all the news here:

CMAA School Closings
Please note CMAA will be closed Dec 24th (Thurs), 25th (Fri), and 26th (Sat) for our winter break! 

CMAA’s New Student Portal- Zen Planner
We are very excited to announce our new student portal- Zen Planner will make it easy for you to:

-View our schedule.
-Reserve a class or private lesson.
-View bills and payments.
-Track attendance (NYS coronavirus contact tracing requirement).
-Purchase equipment/apparel.

*Bonus* Going paperless will make bookkeeping significantly easier on our end and even be better for our environment!

Note all current members already have an account which just needs to be claimed.  Emails have been sent to email addresses we have on file.  If you (or a family member) has not received an email you can set up your account by going to the website or app.

Great Holiday Gift Ideas- CMAA Fashion and Private Lessons!

Great Gift Ideas!  Though these might not make it in now by the end of Dec. you can still give them that IOU and let them know its on the way!

CMAA sweatshirts now available - just tell us the color, size and style (hoodie or zip up hoodie)!

Check out the new design! The sleeves are adorned with the Chinese characters “Wen Wu Shuang Quan” which the Chinese idiom that refers to the “Warrior-Scholar ideal, someone who is a masterful in both both pen and sword, someone strong in mind and body.

The cost is $39.99. Visit our store to buy now and be included in our next order!

How about the gift of knowledge and health!? 

Buy a private lesson or private lesson package as a gift for yourself or a family member!  We can maximize our session to focus on exactly what you are most interested in. 

Dec. Class Schedule 

To get the most updated version of our current class schedule please visit our live calendar!

To ensure the safety of all students, we have revised our group class schedule to reduce the time of classes each day and to ensure there is a break between the classes. This is to minimize any potential overlap/contact among students and allow time for necessary clean-up between classes.

Classes will be offered in 2 different types:

1.Classes offered On Site w/ Online option (ex. Tai Chi) .

2. Classes On Site (ex. Kungfu, Tai Chi, Sanda Kickboxing, and Combatives).

Please note onsite classes require registration and have a 12-14 person maximum. Classes on ZOOM do not require registration and there is no capacity limit.

For ZOOM classes Tai Chi sign in information will remain the same:

When it’s time for class to start just click here:
Meeting #: 931-975-5831
Password: CMAA

CMAA on Instagram

Wushu Strikers

When people hear the word Wushu- they usually think of the pork dish from their favorite local Chinese restaurant.  For martial artists, Wushu might conjure up images of martial artists flipping across the mats, performing incredible (albeit at times dance like) solo routines。This is actually a division within sport Wushu known at Taolu (Forms).  However, most people, martial artists included, won’t think the incredibly powerful and practical combat division of sport Wushu, known as Sanda (Freestyle Kickboxing).  While Wushu Sanda is not widely known in the MMA world in the west, it does have a huge presence in the Asian based MAA organizations.  Check out some of the incredible wushu fighters in ONE!

Yang Style Tai Chi Short Documentary
I never tire of hearing someone knowledgeable speak about Tai Chi.  It might be specifics, generalities, but Tai Chi is just fascinating.  Its not only relaxing to practice, its even relaxing to watch or hear someone speak about it.  Here’s a little talk about Yang Style Tai Chi.  Enjoy!


Lastly, we thank you in advance for your cooperation as we travel these uncharted territories together. Stay tuned for updates as things develop.  We will continue to make adjustments as the situation allows and as our students provide feedback.   As a small business, we appreciate your support and understanding during this time. 


