Monthly Newsletter - September 2019

Dear Friends,

I hope you all enjoyed the summer!  Now it’s feels like time to refocus on our goals and get back to practice!  From seminars, and special offers to competitions, sash tests and performances, we’ve got a lot going on. You won’t want to miss out on the action at CMAA!

School Closings
New Member SPECIAL OFFER! Join now!
新会员优惠大酬宾 - 现在加入吧!
CMAA Bully Challenge!
Wing Chun Kungfu Seminar Series!
Kungfu Competition Recap

Sash Test 
CMAA on Instagram
Wonder of China: Wudang Tai Chi
中华之奇 太极武当
Festival of Nations
Tai Chi Social Lunch Group

School Closings
All classes will be held as regularly scheduled. 

New Member SPECIAL OFFER!  Join now!
After a one week FREE trial, sign up and get a FREE uniform! 


CMAA Bully Challenge!
Do you know someone who is the victim of bullying? I would like to offer someone a FREE training Kickboxing, Combatives and Kungfu at the Chinese Martial Arts Academy (CMAA). We know that our training can develop Self-Discipline, Self-Confidence and Self-Defense. CMAA will provide a safe space, high quality instruction in practical martial arts and a great group of training partners. Let’s help someone start a new path in life! Have them (or their parents) get in touch with me via PM, email ( or phone/text (518) 755-7512.

Students/Parents: please share info about this initiative! Let's help change someone’s life!

Additionally, as school owners we all know the power martial arts have to change lives. Sometimes, victims of bullying retreat and may not actively seek out this type of training. Let’s use this challenge to spread awareness and stand against bullying and hopefully encourage people to come join us that might not otherwise take action. I know we all have different perspectives, and approaches toward prospective members, but I would like to challenge all martial arts schools, boxing gyms and wrestling programs to make a similar offer. Let’s make this thing go viral! #bullychallenge

Individuals will be evaluated and selected on a case by case basis. Our program will only admit one participant in to this program at a time. Participant should be 13 years of age or older and will receive a 4 months FREE training (to be evaluated on a month to month basis based on dedication and level of effort). No one has to know that you are training at CMAA for this reason, though should you decide to share your story at the end of your time that’s entirely up to you. Other schools accepting the #bullychallenge are welcome to use whatever terms and conditions on the challenge that they feel comfortable with. Don't forget to tag #bullychallenge :)


Wing Chun Kungfu Seminar Series!

What: 6 Week Wing Chun Kungfu Seminar Series.

Who: Anyone and Everyone! Open to non CMAA students, CMAA students, friends, family. Ages 12 + (unless given permission in advance). Beginners welcome!

Where: The Chinese Martial Arts Academy

When: Thursdays 6-7pm. (Sept. 12, 19, 26, and Oct. 3, 10, 17th)

Cost: $29

What is Wing Chun?

Wing Chun is a practical and efficient style of martial arts which focuses’ on self-defense. Wing Chun utilizes economy of motion. This “less is more” approach means there are no high kicks or low stances, which makes it suitable for people of all ages, skill level and physical ability. Notable practitioners include Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan and Robert Downey Jr.

This class is perfect for new practitioners looking to for a fun and interesting way to get an overview of Wing Chun. This is also ideal for martial artists who currently train a non-Chinese style and are looking to cross train and learn from another perspective. This series is also a great choice for current students looking to supplement Kungfu, Tai Chi or Jeet Kune Do training.

Kungfu Competition
Saturday August 10th was World #Wushu #Kungfu Day. Many people posted pictures or videos of themselves training. I am proud to say CMAA spent the day our representing Chinese Wushu at the North East Open!

Team CMAA was amazing. From our first time participants to our most seasoned competitors I can say with 100% confidence that win or lose, our students performed their absolute best. Of course, our students have much greater potential to be realized, at for this competition I felt they did prepare to the greatest extent. It was clear that every student who competed in NJ who then again competed at the NEO, outdid their previous performances. I know earning a trophy feels good, but I hope my students are equally proud when they reflect back the experience in its totality.

It is greatly rewarding to sit back and just bask in the glory of watching my team of #ninjas perform. As a martial artist, I see myself, my techniques, and years of study reflected in their movements and it makes me proud to be their Shifu.


Big thanks to Master Grogin for running such a wonderful event. Thanks to all the judges and volunteers for their efforts in making NEO a total success. And lastly, THANK YOU to the parents! Parents are often running the logistics, sacrificing time, energy, and money, and are consoling a nervous or disappointed child at times. You're efforts are always greatly appreciated. Your child will thank you one day. But in the mean time, I'll do it for them :) Going forward let's keep up the hard work and take our skills to all new levels! CMAA JIAYOU!

Sash Test

Students must arrive on time and be in full uniform to participate.  Students who arrive late or out of uniform will be required to complete a makeup test.

We will be holding our quarterly Sash Test on Sunday, September 22nd at 10:30am. If you are not sash testing you are still encouraged to come participate and support your teammates (no charge of course).

You know exactly what we will be testing but if you have any questions, check the Sash Requirements page on the website and feel free to clarify things with me during class. 

If you are unsure whether or not you (or your child) are ready to test, please speak with me before or during class, via email at or by phone (518) 755-7512.

Remember, you will not “get” your sash at CMAA – you will EARN it! There is a big difference. It’s important you (your child) learns the value of their sash- the value of hard work! Let’s stay focused and step up our training so we’re fully prepared for the test!

White/Yellow/Green/Blue: $35
Red/Purple/Orange: $55
Light Brown/Dark Brown/Gold: $75
Black: $100

CMAA on Instagram

Wonder of China: Wudang Tai Chi
Tai Chi, a Chinese martial art famed for its unique martial concepts and skills, stems from the ancient, simple practice of Taoism and has thrived through the centuries. It is not only useful for self-defense in real life but also as an effective form of exercise for keeping fit through proper physical and mental training. In this episode, the inheritors and practitioners of Wudang Kung Fu are promoting the spread of this age-old martial art and the natural Taoist philosophy of living in harmony with nature in their own way, while helping others escape the materialistic world and find inner peace.

Festival of Nations
This year’s Festival of Nations will be scheduled for October, 20th.  Stay tuned for details about a demo by CMAA as part of the China’s performance!  This is always a great opportunity for CMAA to showcase the results of our hard work and the beauty of Chinese martial arts to the local community!  

Note:  All students ranked light brown sash or higher are welcome to join our performance team perform!  You are required to attend the demo team training sessions as our performance routines are ever changing to reflect our students developing skills and abilities!  Please inquire with Shifu if you are interested in this opportunity! 

Check out some of the highlights from last years demo! 

Tai Chi Social Lunch Group

All CMAA Tai Chi students are welcome to get together at 12pm on Sunday, Oct. 12th at the Tamarind Thai located at 728 New Loudon Rd, Latham NY 12110.  Our Tai Chi students are such a wonderful bunch of good people and we just never seem to have enough time to catch up. If you can confirm in advance please let us know so we can have a general idea of our group’s size. 



