Monthly Newsletter - March 2019

Dear Friends,

Happy Lunar New Year! What a month.  Between the holidays, sash test, and recent Chinese New Year performances, things have been action packed.  And as always, from parties and documentaries, to various martial arts articles and upcoming demo’s, you won’t want to miss out on the action at CMAA!

School Closings
Sash Test 
Chinese New Year’s Performances 
CMAA on Instagram
Studies Show Tai Chi Prevents Falls: New York Times Article
“A Family That Kicks Together Sticks together!”
优惠大酬宾- 会员的家庭成员免费一个月
A Journey into Tai Chi: An Ancient Martial Art unfolding into modern day "Medicine in Motion"
What is Tai Chi? (Short Film)
Promoting Chinese Culture

School Closings
CMAA will be closed Monday and Tuesday , March 18th and 19th.     

Additionally, please note that with snow storms continually looming CMAA may be closed to due to inclement weather.  CMAA policy is to follow the North Colonie School District’s school closing/PM activity cancellation decision.  Information about class cancellations will be posted on our website under the “News” section and on our Facebook page. 

Sash Test 
Students must arrive on time and be in full uniform to participate.  Students who arrive late or out of uniform will be required to complete a makeup test.

We will be holding our quarterly Sash Test on Sunday, April 7th at 10:30am. If you are not sash testing you are still encouraged to come participate and support your teammates (no charge of course).

You know exactly what we will be testing but if you have any questions, check the Sash Requirements page on the website and feel free to clarify things with me during class. 

If you are unsure whether or not you (or your child) are ready to test, please speak with me before or during class, via email at or by phone (518) 755-7512.

Remember, you will not “get” your sash at CMAA – you will EARN it! There is a big difference. It’s important you (your child) learns the value of their sash- the value of hard work! Let’s stay focused and step up our training so we’re fully prepared for the test!

White/Yellow/Green/Blue: $35
Red/Purple/Orange: $55
Light Brown/Dark Brown/Gold: $75
Black: $100

Chinese New Year’s Performances 
A few more action shots from CMAA’s spectacular performance at the 2019 Chinese New Year Celebration!   


CMAA on Instagram

Tai Chi
As usual, more and more studies confirm the power of Tai Chi and its ability to deliver significant health benefits to those who practice!  A short article appeared in the New York Times recently stating:

“A large review of studies confirms that exercise can be a good way to help reduce the frequency of falls in the elderly.”

“Exercises that required standing up rather than sitting were the most effective. Tai chi, for example, reduced the rate of falls by 19 percent. But there was little proof that resistance training, dancing or walking programs had any effect”.

Read more here:

“A Family That Kicks Together Sticks together!”

CMAA would like to offer 1 FREE month to any family member of a CMAA student! Do you have a Spouse, Grandparent, Parent, Aunt, Uncle, Cousin, or Sibling that might be interested? They are welcome to try our programs including:

1. Gentle Tai Chi for Health and wellness.
2. Kungfu Empty Hand and Weapons Class.
3. Freestyle Kickboxing (Sparring!).
4. Bruce Lee’s JKD (Combative for Self-Defense).

Interested? Join us for a FREE month! Text/call (518) 755-7512.


A Journey into Tai Chi: An Ancient Martial Art unfolding into modern day "Medicine in Motion"
It is known that nature is always in motion, and you are part of nature. Therefore, to keep in motion means a healthier you. So be empowered to take charge and be an active part of your own healthy mind, body and Life. learn more about the history of Tai Chi, Tai Chi Applications (how it is used), Tai Chi styles, the benefits of doing Tai Chi for your body, mind and spirit and the scientific research behind it, Important aspects of Tai Chi including Energy, Breath work as well as other helpful hints, Who can do Tai Chi and how to get started toady.

What Is Tai Chi?
Enjoy this short film which explains “What is Tai Chi”.  Master Gu explains the philosophy behind Tai Chi (taiji) Chuan, the origin of the art form and the benefits of the Yin-Yang balance.  Many of the things Master Gu says we have heard before, but its always refreshing to hear these things again.  Enjoy!

Promoting Chinese Culture
CMAA has been recently approached by an organization who’s aim is to promote Chinese culture.  What better way to get people excited than by showcasing martial arts?  Martial arts are only visually spectacular and exciting to see, but for those interested in learning its accessible in various forms to everyone no matter their age, or physical condition.  From Kungfu forms, and sport fighting, to self defense and even Tai Chi for health and wellness, Chinese martial arts can be practiced by anyone to make them happier and healthier!  Several possible initiatives were discussed including new classes offered on and off site.  Another exciting possibility may even include sponsorship for CMAA martial artists interested in competition and performing!  Stay tuned for details!

